Our Buildings & Testimonials.

Three Buildings.
120+ units.
1 Community.
More to come.
Heartwood Place has built and manages 3 building in Waterloo region. With generous donations from the community and financial support from all levels of governments. Each building is located in areas near downtown cores that provide residents with near by public transportation, groceries, and other day-to-day conveniences.

I am writing this letter. To thank Heartwood Place. For all the help and assistance, they've given me over the years.
It has been. Hard for me. Living on my own. But I have found your staff and management of Heartwood Place. To be friendly and compassionate and treat me with respect and dignity. Over the years. And there have been a few. I have lived. With the feeling of safety and security. The building itself is clean and well maintained. But I think it's staff that make this place Feel like home.
I am living on a fixed budget. And the. Program at Heartwood Place. It has provided me with a place to live. That I can afford. And is well above Expectations. There is a sense of community. In the building. The tenants are. Friendly. And. Treat each other with respect.
I have lived here for more than 10 years. Over that time. I have had many occasions where I require assistance repairing or fixing a problem. The staff have been. Excellent in dealing with it. Management has always answered. And responded to any of my questions.
Recently. My daughter had a problem and required a apartment for her and her son. I did not hesitate. In recommending Heartwood Place. To her. The staff and management at Heartwood Place. Treated her with respect. And sympathy. For the position she was in. They assisted her. In finding a place. And did everything they possibly could to. Make her feel secure. And safe. This means more to me than anything else. Heartwood Place has always said that. We are family. But it is. In their actions. That I find this to be true.
I have lived many places over my 72 years. But this is the first place that I've felt at home. Safe. Secure. With the knowledge that I am not alone.
Yours truly,
Robert Ian Muir
I Chris Brittenden, This is my testimony about Heartwood Place.
I have lived at 1107 King St.E. Apt 10 approximately 6 years now. The staff at Heartwood Place have helped me in so many ways that I could never repay them for all they have done for me and still are day after day. About 3 years ago, One day they asked me if I would like to start working for them in the winters. I do the salting and a bit of shoveling. I appreciated it so very much for them to think of me. They said that I always paid my rent on time, caused no problems and they trusted me. I was so very touched for them to ask me.
I'm on disability so I'm home a lot. My ears and eyes are always open. I look out for this place that everything is in place and nothing is going wrong at the time. That's just me. I just like looking out for Heartwood Place. I hope that I will be here for many more years to come. Heartwood Place is the best and they are just like my family.
Chris Brittenden!

Most of my life I lived in rooming houses. I ended up in a rooming house on Water Street. I lived on Water Street for five years when the owner decided to put the building up for sale.
At this time, I applied for a bachelor apartment at Heartwood Place. This would have been 2013, And I got it! I would be paying less rent at Heartwood Place than I was at Water Street . Even better Heartwood Place was only asking first month’s rent, no last months rent. My landlord’s son helped me move from Water Street to Heartwood Place. Heartwood Place allowed me to get my last month’s rent back from Water Street as I was moved out before the property was sold. This helped me to move in with rent paid and bonus money. This would be the first time I had a chance to be ahead with money in my bank account. I was happy.
Then one day while I was at the health clinic at the soup kitchen. The staff noticed a young friend of mind. Jaacob Who was Schizophrenic. They have seen how he was sitting and talking with me. The staff informed the Doctor of this. I was “In” with the Doctor. The Doctor asked me if I knew that Jacob was homeless. I informed him that I thought Jacob had a room next to the clinic. The doctor then told me, “He lost his room.” I couldn’t figure out how a 19-year-old schizophrenic could lose his room. I told the doctor, “Jacob is no longer homeless. I’ll take him home with me.” Jacob Agreed to come live with me. Liz was our property manager at this time. Heartwood Place had no problem with the two of us living here. A few months later she told me of a two-bedroom that was coming available. If I applied for it, we would get it, and we did. We moved in October 2014. Jacob loved having a home. Jacob lived at Heartwood Place until September 8, 2022, when Jacob passed away due to his illness. At Jacob’s funeral, Heartwood Place was there. Heartwood Place is not just a home, Heartwood {Place is so full of love. After Jacobs passing, I lived alone for three months until I took in another friend. Kenny. Kenny was living in a rooming house worse than any I ever lived in. I’m so glad to say Kenny took a college course on the Internet and will graduate in September 2023. Heartwood Place has not only helped me but they have also helped two very good friends of mine.
Paul F